Before to use MIDI it is preferable disable appletalk and system extensions that make use of the modem or printer port.
For MIDI communications, please disable also RAM Doubler, if present. D-SoundPRO's preferred size is 4000 K, but 2000 K are enough if you are not loading long stereo files. In this case D-SoundPRO runs also on Mac with 4 MBytes of RAM memory.
The new Internal MIDI manager and the full OMS (1.2 or better) support permits to receive/transmit MIDI sample packets from/to most samplers using most MIDI interfaces, also with multiple out/in routings.
**!! NEW !!**
I have improved the MIDI management, and now D-SoundPRO 2.4.1 works fine also using slower macs. I tested it using a LCII (68030 16 Mhz). I don't know if macs slower than LCII allow MIDI communications, expecially transmitting/receiving very long files.
I fixed a bug in version 2.3 which was causing an counter overflow in a midi message. Now the MIDI handshaking works fine and it is fast also for very long files (also using the internal MIDI manager).
In all cases avoid midi thru or midi feedbacks around your network.
I tested D-SoundPRO 2.4.1 on:
AKAI S2000
PowerMac 6100/66,
LC 475,
Opcode Studio 4 MIDI interface & OMS 2.1.
I don't know about MIDI Interface by Mark Of The Unicorn. My Internal Midi Manager is not capable to manage fast MOTU MIDI interface, it goes only at 1 MHz. In this case, try using OMS. Please write to me if you are successfully/unsuccessfully using a MOTU Interfaces.
If it is possible, please send to me an E-Mail describing your configuration (mac, interface, synths/samplers) and if it works properly.